The European Entomologist

The Journal of the Sphingidae Museum
in Czech Republic

ISSN 1803-1366

The European Entomologist is a scientific journal of the Sphingidae Museum. The journal publishes original research papers (contributions) on the taxonomy, faunistics and ecology of Lepidoptera (moths & butterflies). The European Entomologist was founded in 2007 and is published quarterly by Ekologické centrum Orlov, o.p.s., Orlov 79, 261 01 Příbram, Czech Republic. Detalis on preparing of manuscripts are given in the Guidelines for authors.

Contents of all volumes

NEW! Latest issue (Published: 21 December 2023)


Editor in chief

Rostislav Melichar
Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


Jean Haxaire, attaché au Muséum National d'Historie Naturelle, Paris, France
Ian J, Kitching, Natural History Museum, London, UK
Tomáš Melichar, head of Sphingidae Museum, Příbram, Czech Republic 
Carlos G. C. Mielke, Paraná, Brasil
Rodolphe Rougerie, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
Manjunatha H. Boregowda, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India

Published journals