Curriculum Vitae

Jean Haxaire

photo of Carlos Guilherme Costa MielkePersonal data

Birth city: Strasbourg
Birth date: May, 4th, 1960


1980 Deug (General Academic Studies Degree), Biology
1981 Bachelor’s degree, Biology of organisms and populations (upper second-class honors)
1982 Master’s degree, Biology of organisms and populations (upper second-class honors)
  with four credit courses of entomology from the University Paul Sabatier
(31000 TOULOUSE)
General Entomology:  First-class honours
Insect physiology: First-class honours
Biology of the insect: Upper second-class honours
Applied Entomology: Upper second-class honours

Regular job

  Senior Professor  of Earth and Life Sciences
since 1992 Scientific Attaché to the National Museum of Natural History of Paris
  Associate researcher at the Montreal Insectarium (Quebec)
  Co-Chairman of BOLD program (Barcoding of Life Diversity) project "Sphingidae of the World" at the University of Guelph (Canada, Ontario)